
Funny Stories

These silly campfire stories are perfect for kids of all ages, and are sure to start a round of giggles at your next get-together!

Vinder Viper Job

A man rented an old home on a quiet hill in the middle of the woods. He had no neighbors to speak of, and was looking forward to peace and quiet. About a week after he moved in, he received a phone call. “I am the Vinder Viper,” the voice on the end of the…

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The Rope’s Trick

A rope really wanted to go to an amusement park. He wanted to ride the rides, eat cotton candy, and play the carnival games. He was so excited, and on the day he decided to go, he set out early to be there before the park even opened so he wouldn’t miss any of the…

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Bobby’s Summer Job

Bobby needed a summer job to save some money to go away to college. One day, while telling a neighbor about how he was looking for a job, the neighbor invited him to do a little work at the zoo. “We have a situation,” he said. “We need a little help for a couple days….

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On the Train Job

A boy was on a long train ride to visit his grandparents. Across the aisle from him was a neatly dressed older man, wearing a crisp grey hat and glasses. The boy noticed that he carried a briefcase, and that he looked grumpy. A minute later, the man opened his briefcase and took out two…

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Vinder Viper Job

A man rented an old home on a quiet hill in the middle of the woods. He had no neighbors to speak of, and was looking forward to peace and quiet. About a week after he moved in, he received a phone call. “I am the Vinder Viper,” the voice on the end of the…

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S'more Kitchen Fun

Grilled Pineapple S'mores


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Toasted Almond Crispy Treats
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Copycat Hostess Cupcake
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Caramel Krispy Treat Popcorn
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